it's been just over a week since my little world was turned upside down and it feels like it was yesterday, like it didn't happen and as if it happened a year ago. such a strange place i am living... this land of semi answered questions, alcohol swabs, tubes, bags, pain and left side sleeping. i don't have cancer. i'm not dying. i'm not losing a limb or an organ. i'm not the victim of a terrible car accident or house fire. my husband is falling asleep next to me breathing in and out and on the verge of wonderful dreams. my little boy is cooing in his crib down the hallway furiously snuggling his orange dinosaur and fighting to stay awake. my babe inside is showing signs of life with precious kicks and wiggles. tomorrow i "have to" go to the bank and make a deposit. i also "have to" start some Christmas shopping after said deposit. in the afternoon i will finish a couple crafty projects, hang my wreath on the door and enjoy a cup ...