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she heard me.



darkness. silence.


there it is again; BOOM, BANG, CRASH!

darkness. silence...

my eyes adjusted to the darkness; it must be early, there was no sounds. no giggles. no kisses. just darkness and silence. and then all of a sudden LIGHT again. BOOM, BANG, CRASH.

it startled me and i kicked my legs and my arm hit something that made a soft sound. i look over, it's just my snugly elephant.

i didn't like that sound and the light was bright enough to light up the room, but it was so quick i couldn't really see.

i wondered if she saw it too?  i opened my mouth and made a little sound. but as soon as i did the light came again and with it was a very loud CRASH, BANG, BOOM.

there is no way she heard me.

i turned my head towards her sleeping body and made a sound again. this time a little louder. i didn't need to cry, i wasn't scared, just awake. and lonely. surely she would hear me now.

i waited another minute before letting out a bigger noise.

light. i braced for the sound. it didn't happen. the light didn't go away either. by this time my eyes had adjusted to the darkness and now the faint glow; all of a sudden like a birthday surprise there she was! she heard me!

i kicked my legs with excitement and showed her my happiness with a big smile! she looked tired, but she smiled back at me and picked me up and brought me out of my bed. she smelled awesome and her touch was all i needed to know it was going to be ok.

there it was again. LIGHT. CRASH, BANG, BOOM!

"it's just a storm. don't be scared, i love you." she whispered and kissed my lips.

a storm. wow. i wonder what that means?! it sounds big and loud. kind of like that boy with the HUGE head. he's big and loud too. but i like him and i know he likes me even though he shows it by throwing stuff at me. she is always telling him to be gentle with me. i'm way tough and she shouldn't worry so much. that boy is my buddy. i just know it. but he is loud.

as i look around i see that the faint glow is that little tap light that the big boy always wants to play with. it's sitting on the night stand. i look the other way and see him! he is my favorite big guy. but he's not very exciting right now. he's just laying there with his eyes closed. sleeping. i look back at her. she's my favorite. i give her a big smile and coo to tell her.  she puts my head back on her propped up knees.

it's really quiet. i like it. quiet with her; this is my jam.

the storm seems to have gone away but now i hear a different noise. rain. it's hitting the big window above our heads. it's pretty loud too. she likes the rain. she says it reminds her of being little. i guess it rains a lot where she was little.

i look back at her. she's obviously tired, but still smiling at me. i like it when she smiles at me. my heart does a little dance because i know she loves me and sees me. it's the best feeling ever.

now she sits up straight and pulls me close. her hair tickles my cheek and i let out a little giggle. she whispers things in my ear. i'm not sure what it all means, but i like it. she tells me she won't ever forget this moment. she says it's early, but that i'm growing too fast to be upset about these moments i coo again to let her know i love when she talks to me. she heard me and tells me she loves me too.

i can feel my eyes getting heavy and i can't keep the yawn from coming. i lay my head on her shoulder. i don't want to go back to sleep. this is great; just me and her in the quiet.

i can tell that she is tired. she lays down on her back and pulls the covers over us both. i wiggle my way into a more comfortable position with my head on her chest and my body close to hers. something is missing. she calls it a "nuk" and i want it. it's hard to fall asleep without it. i make another noise. she hears me and knows exactly what i want!

i can't fight the heaviness of my eyes much longer. i hope she keeps me here with her. close. i know that even if she doesn't; she will hear me when the sun shines through that big window and i'm ready to eat first breakfast. i love first breakfast.


she must have turned off the little light.




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